The Meaning Behind the Angel Number 11:11, According to Spiritual Experts (2024)

Does it seem like lately, everywhere you look, 11:11 is there, right in front of you? Maybe you've been finding yourself glancing at the clock every morning and night at exactly 11:11. Or, perhaps you've started to notice $11.11 appearing regularly on sales receipts you've been given, or 1111 popping up in addresses, or phone numbers. If so, you're probably curious about 11:11 numerology/meaning. Why, you're wondering, are you seeing 1111 over and over again? Well, as it turns out, along with a few other eye-catching numerical values including 1212, and 444, 11:11 (or 1111) is a powerful angel number. And just like meditating on positive affirmations and reading Bible verses, opening yourself up to the messages your celestial guardians are trying to communicate can have a wonderfully beneficial impact on your life.

Before we explore those messages, it's helpful to have a basic understanding of numerology, which is the study of numbers and their energetic influence. "It’s the belief that each number carries a frequency or vibration and therefore a message or lesson for us on our spiritual paths," says tarot reader, psychic and healer Kate Van Horn, creator of the membership platform (in) a Healing Space and author of the forthcoming book, The Inner Tarot. "Numerology is like putting a language to numbers, to help us decipher their meaning and energies. It spans a variety of metaphysical modalities including tarot, astrology and the study of life path numbers."

More specifically, angel numbers in numerology are a sequence of digits, usually repeating, sequential, or patterned in some way (like 4321), although they may occasionally instead have personal meaning to the recipient, such as a birth date. When they begin to appear, over and over, seemingly at random, it means that the universe is reaching out with heaven-sent support, insight and guidance. Not surprisingly, angel numbers tend to manifest when we most need them, according to Van Horn. "Often they appear at significant points in our life to provide clarity, direction, or confirmation of our spiritual path," she says.

Now that we have a basic understanding of what numerology and angel numbers are, let's take a deep dive into what exactly 11:11 means—and what you should do about it when you start seeing it.

The Meaning Behind the Angel Number 11:11, According to Spiritual Experts (1)

What does 11 11 mean in numerology?

In the practice of numerology, which has been used throughout the ages by everyone from the ancient Egyptians and Greeks to the Babylonians and Hebrews, the number 1 is of great energetic importance. It's associated with fresh starts, creation and change, as well as unity and even divine oneness. Double it and you get 11, a master number, which carries an extra-potent spiritual force. It represents vision, creativity, inspiration, and, especially, sacred enlightenment.

Thus, when the angel number 1111 starts repeatedly appearing to you, it may signal that you're embarking on an exciting new path, or what Van Horn calls "a hopeful beginning." It might specifically involve a spiritual awakening, "when someone is beginning to tap into their connection with the spiritual realm and trust their intuition," she adds. "And sometimes 1111 can serve as a message from our angels to confirm we’re on the right track, symbolizing that we have found alignment and we can trust the energy to continue to unfold beautifully and for our highest good."

What does 1111 mean spiritually?

You can bet your guardian angels are trying to communicate with you when you see 1111 popping up in your daily life, and chances are good that the message involves notice of a new spiritual path or journey. Be prepared to look inward—not with a critical or judgmental eye, but with consummate love and compassion. Accept your truth, embrace the personal growth that results, and you may find your prayers are being answered in ways you couldn't have imagined. This is a time of powerful manifestation, so make sure you keep a positive mindset, stay connected with your higher self and keep listening to your inner voice.

More broadly, you can find great comfort in the appearance of this angel number, whether you are experiencing challenges or success. "Take it as a powerful reminder that you are not alone," Leila Rose Williams, California-based spiritual executive coach and mentor advises. "Your angels are with you, guiding you and supporting you, and at this exact moment, they want you to know it and feel their presence. Try to be aware of what you were thinking right before you saw 1111, and let these messages be a response."

    What does 11 11 mean in a relationship?

    In matters of the heart, if you're single 1111 can often signify a new love is on the way, perhaps even your twin flame, according to Stina Garbis, a professional psychic and astrologer with Tarotoo. "Some call it a twin flame, some call it a soulmate," she says. "But it’s a person you have an intense connection with, that mirrors you in some way and has a lesson to teach you that you also teach to them. The angel number 1111 can signal that you are going to meet this person."

    If you're already in a relationship, this angel number could mean your bond is about to evolve in some way, deepen, or move to the next level. Take the time to nourish your connection, focusing attention and care on it, and you will find it flourishing in return. But should you be experiencing a broken heart, you can take solace in seeing this angel number. It's a reminder that although difficult, this breakup is clearing the way for better things to come. In other words, hang tough. Brighter days are ahead.

    Likewise, in matters of career, "This number offers insight into the new opportunities surrounding you," Van Horn says. "Whether you’re completely changing your career path, or finding a new and more aligned fit, the doors are opening for you professionally." This could mean a promotion is in your future, or an intriguing new project or business endeavor. It may even indicate that you are moving into a professional space that is "aligned with your true purpose, or that your career goals are in harmony with your higher self," she adds. Work hard, dream big, and visual success. Big blessings will result.

    The Meaning Behind the Angel Number 11:11, According to Spiritual Experts (3)

    Is 11 11 supposed to be lucky?

    If 1111 isn't lucky it sure seems that way, since seeing it can mean you're on the right track and abundance in just about anything (including finances) is just around the bend. This is why many people believe in the power of making a wish (or setting a positive intention) at 11:11. But there are other ways to help actualize the power of this angel number. Garbis suggests pausing for a moment when 1111 appears and checking in with yourself. "Think about what it is that you’ve been thinking about or what you are experiencing," she says. "Are you worrying about something? Is there something in your life that you are looking for an answer to?"

    If so, she continues, "You may want to ask the universe to answer your question clearly—just a simple prayer asking for light to be shed in the darkest corner of your heart. If we are struggling with something, anything, we can always say a little prayer and ask for clear guidance to be shown to us. You may want to forget it and go on with your day and then be shocked when you get the message you’re looking for."

    How do you manifest at 11:11?

    Whether you want to try to manifest your dreams into reality by tapping into the formidable energy of this angel number at 11:11 every day, or whenever you see it, our experts have some methods that can help. Just note that nothing, not even these helpful practices, takes the place of hard work, focus and intentional changes in the service of your goal.

    • Repeat Affirmations
      According to Williams, using "positive affirmations related to your intentions and desires" can help you harness the power of 1111. "Some examples are 'I am ready to receive new positive changes in life' and 'I welcome an abundance of joy, money and love into my life,'" she says. "Repeat them daily to align your thoughts with your goals."
    • Practice Visualization
      "Visualization is a powerful practice of co-creating our reality with Spirit," Van Horn explains. "Take time to close your eyes and imagine the absolute best and most aligned outcome for yourself in any area of your life, be it relationships, career, or health. Enjoy this visual depiction, and notice the details so you can look for the same clues and confirmation in your life!"
    • Be Open and Hopeful About Change
      "Change is inevitable and not something to fear," notes Van Horn. "Consider how open you are to changes and prepare yourself energetically for new beginnings through breathwork to release fear, or boundaries to make room for new unexpected opportunities."
    • Be Grateful
      "Expressing gratitude for the blessings and opportunities in your life, can attract more positivity and abundance," Williams says. "Make a list of all things you appreciate in your life right now."

    Gratitude certainly seems the right attitude when angels reach out to us, doesn't it? Especially when you consider what might be their ultimate message. "I think when angels are trying to talk to us," says Garbis, "they are expressing love and are teaching us to love each other, and are also telling us that we are loved spiritually. That is the highest expression of 1111, even though it seems so simple. It’s pure love."

    Pay Tribute to 1111

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    The Meaning Behind the Angel Number 11:11, According to Spiritual Experts (11)

    Jill Gleeson

    Jill Gleeson is a travel journalist and memoirist based in the Appalachian Mountains of western Pennsylvania who has written for websites and publications including Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day, Country Living, Washingtonian, Gothamist, Canadian Traveller, and EDGE Media Network. Jill is the travel editor for Enchanted Living. Learn more about her journey at

    The Meaning Behind the Angel Number 11:11, According to Spiritual Experts (2024)


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