Python Courses & Tutorials | Codecademy (2024)

Python is a general-purpose, versatile, and powerful programming language. It’s a great first language because Python code is concise and easy to read. Whatever you want to do, python can do it. From web development to machine learning to data science, Python is the language for you.

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CourseLearn Python 3Learn the basics of Python 3, one of the most powerful, versatile, and in-demand programming languages today.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly25 hours
Blog PostWhat is Python used for?2 November 2022
CourseLearn Python 3Learn the basics of Python 3, one of the most powerful, versatile, and in-demand programming languages today.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly25 hours
Blog PostWhat is Python used for?2 November 2022

Python courses

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Python courses

114 results

  • Career pathBusiness Intelligence Data AnalystBI Data Analysts use Python and SQL to query, analyze, and visualize data — and Tableau and Excel to communicate findings.Checker DenseIncludes 18 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly50 hours
  • Skill pathAnalyze Financial Data with PythonLevel up in financial analytics by learning Python to process, analyze, and visualize financial data.Checker DenseIncludes 6 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly27 hours
  • Skill pathBuild Chatbots with PythonBuild rules-based and generative AI chatbots with PythonChecker DenseIncludes 6 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly30 hours
  • Skill pathBuild Python Web Apps with FlaskLearn how to code in Python, design and access databases, create interactive web applications, and share your apps with the world.Checker DenseIncludes 8 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate30 hours
  • Skill pathBuild Deep Learning Models with TensorFlowUse TensorFlow to build and tune deep learning models.Checker DenseIncludes 7 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate10 hours
  • Skill pathMaster Statistics with PythonLearn the statistics behind data science, from summary statistics to regression models.Checker DenseIncludes 9 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate26 hours
  • Skill pathPass the Technical Interview with PythonLearn about the computer science concepts of data structures and algorithms and build implementations of each from scratch in modern Python.Checker DenseIncludes 8 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate25 hours
  • Skill pathApply Natural Language Processing with PythonLearn Python for Natural Language Processing, the field behind chatbots, search engines, and autocorrect.Checker DenseIncludes 8 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate10 hours
  • Skill pathBuild Python Web Apps with DjangoDjango is an open-source Python web development framework that allows you to quickly create web apps using the plethora of tools provided.Checker DenseIncludes 9 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate13 hours
  • Skill pathData Analyst Interview PreparationPrepare for data analyst interviews from job postings to technical interviews.Checker DenseIncludes 7 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate3 hours
  • Skill pathData Scientist Interview PreparationPrepare for the data science interview process, from navigating job postings to passing the technical interview.Checker DenseIncludes 8 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate3 hours
  • Skill pathFundamental Math for Data ScienceBuild the mathematical skills you need to work in data science.Checker DenseIncludes 8 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly12 hours
  • Skill pathFeature EngineeringMachine learning is only as good as its training data. Learn how to process data properly before training your models.Checker DenseIncludes 4 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate6 hours
  • Skill pathSoftware Engineering for Data ScientistsData Scientists often work with engineering teams. Learn the software engineering skills you need to bridge the gap between data science andChecker DenseIncludes 7 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate21 hours
  • Skill pathIntermediate Machine LearningLevel up your machine learning skills with tuning methods, advanced models, and dimensionality reduction.Checker DenseIncludes 5 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate8 hours
  • Skill pathLearn Python for Data ScienceGet started with Python for Data Science in this beginner-friendly skill path.Checker DenseIncludes 5 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly15 hours
  • Skill pathData and Programming Foundations for AILearn the coding, data science, and math you need to get started as a Machine Learning or AI engineer.Checker DenseIncludes 9 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly39 hours
  • Skill pathVisualize Data with PythonLearn to make effective data visualizations in Python with Matplotlib and Seaborn.Checker DenseIncludes 5 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly6 hours
  • Skill pathBuild a Machine Learning ModelLearn to build machine learning models with Python.Checker DenseIncludes 10 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly20 hours
  • Skill pathAnalyze Data with PythonLearn to analyze and visualize data using Python and statistics.Checker DenseIncludes 7 CoursesChecker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate12 hours
  • CourseLearn Python 3Learn the basics of Python 3, one of the most powerful, versatile, and in-demand programming languages today.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly25 hours
  • Free courseLearn Python 2Learn the basics of the world's fastest growing and most popular programming language used by software engineers, analysts, data scientists, and machine learning engineers alike.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly17 hours
  • Free courseGetting Started with Python for Data ScienceWork hands-on with real datasets while learning Python for data science.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly7 hours
  • CourseLearn Intermediate Python 3Learn Intermediate Python 3 and practice leveraging Python’s unique features to build powerful, sophisticated applications.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate19 hours
  • Free coursePython for ProgrammersAn introduction to the basic syntax and fundamentals of Python for experienced programmers.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate3 hours
  • Free courseLearn Intermediate Python 3: Object-Oriented ProgrammingLearn how to utilize one of the most popular programming paradigms - Object-Oriented Programming.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate2 hours
  • CourseLearn Data Analysis with PandasLearn the basics of Pandas, an industry standard Python library that provides tools for data manipulation and analysis. Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate6 hours
  • CourseLearn Data Structures and Algorithms with PythonLearn what data structures and algorithms are, why they are useful, and how you can use them effectively in Python.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate26 hours
  • Free courseMachine Learning: Introduction with RegressionGet started with machine learning and learn how to build, implement, and evaluate linear regression models.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly3 hours
  • Free courseIntro to PyTorch and Neural NetworksLearn how to use PyTorch to build, train, and test artificial neural networks in this course.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate3 hours
  • Free courseIntro to Data Visualization with PythonLearn how to use Matplotlib to clarify your data with meaningful charts and other data visualizations.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly3 hours
  • CourseLearn Web Scraping with Beautiful SoupCan't download the data you need? Learn how to pull data right from the page by web scraping with the Python library Beautiful Soup.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate2 hours
  • Free courseIntroduction to Big Data with PySparkSee how big data is used across different industries and learn how to work with big data using PySpark!Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly4 hours
  • Free courseBuild Connect Four Using PythonPut your Python knowledge to the test by creating a fully interactive Connect Four game!Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly< 1 hour
  • Free courseDiscrete MathExplore set operations, proofs, recursion, and more in this introduction to discrete math — the math of computer science!Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate5 hours
  • Free coursePython for Data Science: Working with DataLearn loops, control flow, and functions while working hands-on to merge, aggregate, and analyze real-world datasets.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly8 hours
  • Free courseIntro to Language Models in PythonBuild the basic language models in Python.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate4 hours
  • CourseLearn Advanced Python 3Learn the basics of functional programming, concurrent programming, deployment, and more in this advanced Python course.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconAdvanced6 hours
  • CourseGetting Started with Natural Language ProcessingHumans communicate with language, but computers communicate with data. Discover how to translate between the two in this course.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • CourseHow to Clean Data with PythonLearn the basics of regular expressions and how to pull and clean data from the web with Python.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate3 hours
  • Free courseLearn Flask: FundamentalsBuild your first Flask app, a web framework that allows you to build fully-featured web applications using Python.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate2 hours
  • Free courseAnalyze Taylor Swift Lyrics with Python Case StudyUse sentiment analysis and natural language processing to analyze Taylor Swift's lyrics.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • Free courseIntro to Deep Learning with TensorFlowBuild basic deep learning models in TensorFlow.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate4 hours
  • Free courseLearn Intermediate Python 3: Exceptions and Unit TestingLearn to maintain a healthy codebase by creating unit tests using Python's built-in `unittest` framework.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate3 hours
  • CourseLearn Statistics with NumPyLearn about NumPy, a Python library used to store arrays of numbers, organize large amounts of data, and perform statistical calculations.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate4 hours
  • Free courseLearn Intermediate Python 3: Functions, Namespaces, and ScopeDive deeper into the unique ways to utilize functions to create cleaner and more efficient software.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate4 hours
  • Free courseProbabilityLearn the fundamentals of probability and how to quantify and visualize uncertainty. Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly4 hours
  • Free courseLearn Raspberry PiLearn the basics of Raspberry Pi, the world-famous credit card sized computer, and the Linux operating system.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly2 hours
  • CourseLearn FlaskLearn how to create fully-featured, interactive web applications with Flask, the Python framework.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate11 hours
  • Free courseLinear AlgebraLearn about linear algebra and how to perform operations with matrices and vectors.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • Free courseMachine Learning: Artificial Intelligence Decision Making with MinimaxTeach computers how to make decisions and play games with the Minimax Algorithm!Checker DenseLevel IconAdvanced2 hours
  • Free courseLinear Regression in PythonLearn how to fit, interpret, and compare linear regression models in Python.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate6 hours
  • CourseLearn the Basics of Blockchain with PythonLearn beginner blockchain concepts and create your own mini blockchain using Python 3 code.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly2 hours
  • CourseLearn Statistics with PythonLearn how to calculate and interpret several descriptive statistics using the Python library NumPy.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly4 hours
  • Free courseMachine Learning: PerceptronsLevel up your machine learning skills by learning how to build perceptrons: the foundations of neural networks.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • CoursePyTorch for ClassificationBuild AI classification models with PyTorch using binary and multi-label techniques. Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • Free courseLearn Flask: Jinja2 Templates and FormsInject Python into HTML using templates and collect user data with forms.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate4 hours
  • Free courseLearn Intermediate Python 3: Iterators and GeneratorsLearn how to create and implement your own iterators and generators in Python.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate4 hours
  • Free courseData Visualization with Python: SeabornTurn pandas DataFrames into publication-ready visualizations using Seaborn.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly2 hours
  • Free courseMachine Learning: K-Nearest NeighborsSharpen your machine learning skills by learning how to prepare, implement, and assess the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly2 hours
  • CourseLanguage Models in Python: Basic ChatbotsBuild rules- and retrieval-based chatbots in Python.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate6 hours
  • Free courseLearn Raspberry Pi: Electronics Blend hardware and software with digital electronics and Raspberry Pi. Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • CourseExploratory Data Analysis in PythonLearn how to use exploratory data analysis (EDA) techniques in Python to evaluate, summarize, and visualize your data.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly6 hours
  • Free courseData Visualization with Python: Visual ArgumentsLearn good design principles for telling a visual story with data using Matplotlib.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • CourseTechnical Interview Practice with PythonHone your coding skills by practicing with industry standard technical interview problems!Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate6 hours
  • CourseDeep Learning with TensorFlow: Image ClassificationClassify image data with deep learning.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate2 hours
  • Free courseGetting Started Off-Platform for Data ScienceLearn how to setup Jupyter Notebooks and PostGRESQL and run data science projects on your own computer locally!Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • Free courseLearn Advanced Python 3: Functional ProgrammingLearn how to use functional programming to create clean, efficient programs.Checker DenseLevel IconAdvanced2 hours
  • Free courseLearn Raspberry Pi: Command LineUse the command line to discover more about the Linux operating system and the Raspberry Pi.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • CourseLanguage Models in Python: Generative ChatbotsBuild chatbots in Python using deep learning.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate1 hour
  • Free courseMachine Learning: Logistic RegressionPredict the probability that a datapoint belongs to a given class with Logistic Regression.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly3 hours
  • Free courseAnalyze NFL Stats with Python Case StudyUse NFL team statistics to model game winners and discover the most important team-level statsChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • Free courseMachine Learning: Clustering with K-MeansLevel up your machine learning skills by using unsupervised learning to find patterns hidden in data.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly2 hours
  • Free courseDifferential CalculusLearn about calculus, including how to analyze functions using limits and derivatives.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • Free courseDiscrete Math: Binary and BasesLearn about binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal bases and how to conduct conversions to and from each one.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • CourseLearn Recursion with PythonRecursion gives you a new perspective on problem-solving by defining a problem in terms of itself.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate3 hours
  • CourseLanguage Models in Python: Generative TextLearn how to generate and translate text using deep learning.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate1 hour
  • Free courseLearn Advanced Python 3: Database OperationsLearn how to perform database operations in Python using the sqlite3 module.Checker DenseLevel IconAdvanced1 hour
  • CourseLinear Data StructuresLearn about virtualization of computer memory by building the fundamental data structures of computer science: lists, stacks, and queues.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate4 hours
  • Free courseLearn Advanced Python 3: ConcurrencyLearn how to use concurrent programming to implement code more efficiently.Checker DenseLevel IconAdvanced1 hour
  • Free courseLearn Intermediate Python 3: Sets and Specialized CollectionsLearn how to create more dynamic and efficient programs with specialized Python collections and set operations.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate4 hours
  • Free courseLearn Flask: DatabasesCreate persistent Flask apps by learning how to set up a database and create, read, update, and delete data in the database.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate3 hours
  • Free courseDiscrete Math: ProofsLearn how to verify theorems and dive into induction, strong induction, and other types of proofs.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • Free courseBuild a Machine Learning PipelineLearn how to build machine pipelines that automate your workflow and keep everything consistent.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate1 hour
  • Free courseLearn Intermediate Python 3: Resource ManagementLearn how to harness the power of Python context managers to make your programs more efficient and secure.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate1 hour
  • Free courseLearn Advanced Python 3: LoggingLearn how to use logs in Python to help debug and track your software.Checker DenseLevel IconAdvanced1 hour
  • CourseLearn Sorting Algorithms with PythonLearn about the usefulness and efficiency of computational sorting by implementing different sorting algorithms yourself.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate3 hours
  • CourseHypothesis Testing with PythonLearn how to plan, implement, and interpret different kinds of hypothesis tests in Python.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate6 hours
  • CourseLearn Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures with PythonLearn advanced algorithms and data structures to improve your developer skills!Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconAdvanced6 hours
  • CourseDeep Learning with TensorFlow: ClassificationBuild deep learning models to classify data.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate2 hours
  • Free courseLearn Flask: Accounts and AuthenticationAdd personalization and security to Flask apps with accounts and authentication.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate2 hours
  • CourseText PreprocessingLearn to clean text with Python 3 using regular expressions (regex) and NLTK. Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate2 hours
  • Free courseDiscrete Math: Sets and Set OperationsLearn about sets and set operations and their relevance to computer science.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • CourseLanguage ParsingApply regular expressions (regex) and other natural language parsing tactics to find meaning and insights in the texts you read every day.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate2 hours
  • Free courseDiscrete Math: Sequences and SummationsLearn about sequences and summations and their relevance in computer science.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • Free courseLearn Raspberry Pi: IntroductionDive into Raspberry Pi and get to know the power of this credit card-sized computer.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly< 1 hour
  • Free courseDiscrete Math: Counting TheoryLearn about counting theory and its relevance to computer science, and dive into the pigeonhole principle.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly< 1 hour
  • Free courseAnalyze Traffic Safety Data with Python Case StudyCreate data visualizations of traffic data from the last two decades and model the relationship between smartphones and collision rates.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • Free courseLearn Advanced Data Structures with Python: TreesLearn how to use tries and binary indexed trees for efficient search implementations.Checker DenseLevel IconAdvanced1 hour
  • CourseLearn Complex Data StructuresDiscover and design new data structures that follow abstract rule-based systems by building out graphs, hash-maps, and heaps.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate7 hours
  • Free courseLearn How to Use AI for Data AnalysisReady to learn how to use AI for data analysis in Python? We’ll show you how to use the OpenAI API model as your own personal analytics assistant.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate1 hour
  • Free courseDiscrete Math: Permutations and CombinationsLearn about permutations and combinations and their relevance to computer science.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • Free courseEnsemble Methods in Machine LearningExplore bagging, boosting, stacking, and more in this introduction to ensemble methods in machine learning.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate2 hours
  • Free courseDiscrete Math: Recurrence RelationsLearn about recurrence relations and dive deeper into recursion and dynamic programming.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly< 1 hour
  • CourseIntro to Regularization with PythonImprove machine learning performance with regularization.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate2 hours
  • Free courseLearn Advanced Data Structures with Python: DequesLearn how to leverage the power of double-ended queues (deques) in Python.Checker DenseLevel IconAdvanced< 1 hour
  • Free courseDiscrete Math: CongruencesLearn about congruences, the procedures for solving them, and their relevance to cryptography.Checker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly1 hour
  • CourseHow to Implement Search Algorithms with PythonFinding the data you are looking for in a data set is an important skill: get started with two common approaches.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconIntermediate2 hours
  • Free courseLearn Advanced Algorithms with Python: String Searching AlgorithmsLearn about two powerful string searching methodologies: the Rabin-Karp algorithm and the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm.Checker DenseLevel IconAdvanced3 hours
  • Free courseLearn Recommender SystemsLeverage machine learning to make recommendations with recommender systems. Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate< 1 hour
  • CourseLearn Hardware Programming with CircuitPythonLearn how to code for various electronic devices in this introduction to hardware programming with CircuitPython.Checker DenseCertificate IconWith CertificateChecker DenseLevel IconBeginner Friendly2 hours
  • Free courseLearn Advanced Algorithms with Python: Hamiltonian AlgorithmsLearn about Hamiltonian paths and cycles and how to find both in Python.Checker DenseLevel IconAdvanced< 1 hour
  • CourseIntro to Hyperparameter Tuning with PythonImprove machine learning models with hyperparameter tuning.Checker DenseLevel IconIntermediate1 hour

More resources

BlogOpen IconUsing Machine Learning to Analyze Taylor Swift's Lyricsopens in a new windowBlogOpen IconWeb Scraping MLB Stats with Python and Beautiful Soupopens in a new windowBlogOpen IconHow to Build a Data Science Portfolioopens in a new windowBlogOpen IconAggregating Pokémon Data with Python and Pandasopens in a new window
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Python Courses & Tutorials | Codecademy (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

Last Updated:

Views: 5891

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.