Groundhog Day 2024: Did Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow? (2024)

Groundhog Day falls on February 2! Did Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow? Find out what the result means for gardening. Plus, learn about the ancient origins of this holiday, once named Imbolc (the midpoint between the winter solstice and spring equinox) and also celebrated asCandlemas.

Did the Groundhog See His Shadow in2024?

Early in the morning of February 2, 2024, Punxsutawney Phil—that Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Weather Prognosticator Extraordinary— emerged from his burrow (with a little help from his handlers) to make his much-anticipated forecast and did NOT see his shadow, which indicates an earlyspring!

What’s in store for spring? See the Almanac’s Spring 2024 Weather Forecast.

When is GroundhogDay?

Groundhog Day, celebrated every year on February 2, is an unusual holiday that stretches back hundreds of years back to European traditions and even ancienttimes.

Groundhog Day 2024: Did Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow? (1)

How is Groundhog DayCelebrated?

Groundhog Day is famously connected to weather prediction, with the most prominent tradition involving a groundhog predicting the conclusion of winter by seeing (or not seeing) his own shadow. According to weatherlore:

  • Sees His Shadow: If the plump prognosticatoremerges from his hole on a clear day and seeshis shadow, he will retreat,and there will be six more weeks of wintry weather.
  • No Shadow: If he emerges from his burrow and does NOTsee his shadow, then earlyspring weather is right around thecorner.

What most don’t realize is that Groundhog Day is actually rooted in astronomy—and the movement of the Earth around the Sun. In the Northern Hemisphere, this datemarksthemidpoint between the winter solsticein December and thespring equinoxin March. In fact, the holiday stems from an ancient Celtic celebration called Imbolc, which is something called a cross-quarter day. (Read more about thatbelow!)

Meet Punxsutawney Phil, the Most FamousGroundhog

Probably the most famous groundhog, Phil, is from western Pennsylvania. (Yes, there are other groundhog celebrities as well, such as the one inSun Prairie, Wisconsin.) This famous groundhog is amusingly known as “Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators, and Weather-Prophet Extraordinary.” It was proclaimed by the “Punxsutawney Groundhog Club” in 1887, the same year they declared Punxsutawney to be the weather capital of theworld.

Every February 2, the “faithful followers of Phil” can await his arrival starting at 6 a.m., thanks to a livestream provided by Visit Pennsylvania. The livestream has been a tradition for the past several years, allowing more people than ever to watch the animal meteorologist.See the live stream early morning February 2 here.

Groundhog Day 2024: Did Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow? (2)

According to NOAA, Punxsutawney Phil has accurately predicted the coming of spring 40% of the time. That’s not exactly a great track record. (Our guess is that “Phil” isn’t naturally emerging from his borrow to the paparazzicameras.)

Of course, it’s all in good humor. As the folks in Punxsutawney say, it’s “A day to take everything a little less seriously, and break up the winter monotony… at least for a littlewhile!”

Groundhog Day 2024: Did Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow? (3)

What is the Meaning Behind GroundhogDay?


Originally, Groundhog Day wasa Celtic festival marking the year’s first cross-quarter day,or a midpoint between seasons. Read more about theancient Celtic calendarhere.

Celebrated at the beginning of February, the daywascalled Imbolc—a termfrom Old Irish that is most often translated as “in the belly”—a reference to the soon-to-arrive lambs of spring. The celebration of Imbolcsignaled that the Sun washalfway through its advance towards the springequinox, and the season of new birth and light was on thehorizon.

This dayhas also been called St. Brigid’s Day, which stems from a mixing of figures and traditions from pagan and Christian beliefs. The Celtic goddess Brigantiais associated with dawn, light, and spring, which are qualitieslater associated with Brigid of Kildare, a Christian saint (and one of Ireland’s patronsaints).


Although it is distinct from Imbolc, the Christian festival of lightCandlemasis also observed at this time of year (February 2).The name refers to thecandles lit that day in churches, whichcelebrate the presentation of the Christ Child in the temple ofJerusalem.

If Candlemas be fair and bright,
Come, Winter, have another flight;
If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,
Go Winter, and come not again.

Groundhog Day has a rich history based on a deeper meaning; itspeaks to thetriumph of spring over winter—and birth over death.Again, note the appearance of light over dark with the appearance of candles and dawn—and, of course, the spiritual light of a holierpresence.

Groundhog Day 2024: Did Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow? (4)

Why Use aGroundhog?

So, how does the groundhog fit into this ancient festival? Historically, a groundhog wasn’t the animal of choice: a bear brought the forecast to the people of France and England, while those in Germany looked to a badger for asign.

In the 1800s, German immigrants to Pennsylvania brought their Candlemas legends with them. Finding no badgers but lots of groundhogs(also called woodchucks or whistlepigs),they adopted the New World species to fit the lore.

Today, that lore has grown intofun winter festivals, with Punxsutawney Phil and furry fellowsin other statespresiding.

Groundhog Day 2024: Did Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow? (5)

What Is Groundhog Day’sConnection toWeather?

Since the traditional celebration anticipated the planting of crops, a central focus of the festivities was the forecasting of either an early spring or a lingeringwinter.

Sunshine on Candlemas was said to indicate the return of winter.Similarly…

When the wind’s in the east on Candlemas Day,
There it will stick till the 2nd of May.

  • It was not held as a good omen if the day itself was bright and sunny, for that betokened snow and frost to continue to the hiring of the laborers 6 weeks later onLadyDay.
  • If it was cloudy and dark, warmth and rain would thaw the fields and prepare themforplanting.

Our Groundhog Day is a remote survivor of that belief. Though we recognize animal behavior isn’t the only way to judge planting dates, the tradition continues, often with a wink andasmile.

Here at The Old Farmer’s Almanac, we say, “If the groundhog sees his shadow, we’ll have sixmore weeks of winter; if he doesn’t, it’ll be sixweeks untilspring.” Getit?

Want to see more accurate planting dates? Check out our Planting Calendar to find dates for starting seeds, transplanting, and harvesting in yourarea.

Groundhog Day 2024: Did Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow? (6)

Groundhog Day and CandlemasLore

If Candlemas [February 2] be mild and gay,
Go saddle your horses and buy them hay;
But if Candlemas be stormy and black,
It carries the winter away on its back.

Just half your wood and half your hay,
Should be remaining on Candlemas Day.

On CandlemasDay,
The good goose begins to lay.

When the wind’s in the east on Candlemas Day,
There it will stick till the 2nd of May.

On CandlemasDay, if the thorns hang a drop,
You are sure of a good pea crop.

More AboutGroundhogs!

What exactly IS a groundhog? Also known as a woodchuck or whistlepig, the groundhog typically makes its home in the brambles and thickets that grow where forests meet fields. There, it digs burrows between 4 and 6 feet deep and up to 40 feet long—removing as much as 700 pounds of dirt in theprocess.

Like its squirrel relatives, the groundhog eats leaves, grass, flowers, bark, and twigs and climbs trees to reach tender buds or fruit. This furryanimal will also go after just about any crop, favoring beans, peas, and carrot tops. It may even take a bite out of every squash or pumpkin in a row instead of consuming just one. See how to deter groundhogs in the garden.

But the mischief-maker is not all nuisance. Its burrows allow air and water to penetrate the soil, and when abandoned, they become homes for opossums and other small animals. The groundhog itself serves as food for larger creatures, such as bobcats, foxes, andwolves.

With hungry predators on the prowl, it takes courage for a groundhog to emerge from its hole every February to make its forecast. It must take itsjobveryseriously!

Groundhog Day 2024: Did Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow? (7)

What’s the Difference Between a Groundhog and aWoodchuck?

Every year, we’re asked if a groundhog is the same thing as a woodchuck. Yup. There’s no difference (taxonomically). It’s the same burrowing rodent,Marmota monax. The word you use is more of a reflection of where you live. In cold New England, where we can pretty much count on wintry weather no matter what the marmot thinks, the term “woodchuck” is often used. The word comes from the Algonquin name iswejackorwuchak.What do you callit?

What’s the WeatherForecast?

For a forecast that’s more than folklore, see the Almanac’slong-range predictions(traditionally 80% accurate) or your5-day weather forecast!

Groundhog Day 2024: Did Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow? (2024)


Groundhog Day 2024: Did Punxsutawney Phil See His Shadow? ›

It's official, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow! This means spring is expected to come early in 2024. Punxsutawney Groundhog Club President, Tom Dunkel estimated over 35,000 people and as many as 40,000 attended this year's event. Governor Josh Shapiro named Phil the “Official meteorologist of Pennsylvania.”

Does Punxsutawney Phil actually see his shadow? ›

Contrary to popular belief, Phil doesn't actually have to see his shadow; he just has to cast one to make his wintry prophecy. According to the Groundhog Club's records, which span from 1886 to 2017, the various incarnations of Punxsutawney Phil have predicted 107 forecasts of more winter and 18 of early spring.

Did the groundhog see his shadow in 2024 in Alabama? ›

After the announcement came Friday morning that Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow, and therefore Americans could expect an early spring, Birmingham Jill did the unthinkable. Birmingham Zoo – Pinto sees her shadow, 2024.

How many times has Punxsutawney not seen his shadow? ›

2023Saw shadowPunxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, meaning 6 more weeks of winter.
2024No shadowThe most famous groundhog in Pennsylvania didn't see his shadow early Friday morning. It marks the 21st time in the 138-year-old tradition that he has predicted an early spring, a news release states.
137 more rows

What did Phil the groundhog predict in 2024? ›

Punxsutawney, PA – Pennsylvania's very own world-famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring after not seeing his shadow this morning at Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney — marking the 21st time Phil has not seen his shadow during the 138-year-old tradition.

How old is Phil the groundhog in 2024? ›

How old is Phil the Groundhog? According to the club that cares for him, Phil has been making predictions since 1886, which would make him 138.

Does Punxsutawney Phil have a wife? ›

Spring has sprung, and so, too, has the family of the United States's most famous groundhog. Punxsutawney Phil and his wife, Phyllis, are now officially parents.

How long has Punxsutawney Phil been alive? ›

3, @olivesongs11 composed a song based on the lore that Punxsutawney Phil has been alive since 1886, and his longevity comes from an "elixir of life" that he takes a sip of every summer.

Is there 6 weeks of winter in 2024? ›

Phil did not see his shadow on Friday, ending a three-year streak of predicting six more weeks of winter. Despite lacking formal meteorology training, Punxsutawney Phil delivers one of the most anticipated weather forecasts of the year.

Did Possum Sam see his shadow? ›

On Friday, in front of a record crowd at Bama Bucks Wildgame Restaurant in Sardis City, Sardis Mayor Russell Amos read a proclamation, saying Sam did not see his shadow and therefore predicted an early end to winter.

How long do groundhogs live? ›

Lifespan: In the wild, groundhogs can live up to six years with two or three being average. In captivity, groundhogs reportedly live up to 14 years. Breeding: Groundhogs tend to be solitary except in the spring when a litter of four to six young are born.

Was Punxsutawney Phil right last year? ›

2019: No shadow — His prediction was wrong. 2020: No shadow — His prediction was right. 2021: Shadow — His prediction was wrong. 2022: Shadow — His prediction was wrong.

How often is Phil correct? ›

NOAA says Phil's predictions have been accurate 39% of the time since 1886 and over the last ten years his predictions are up to a 40% accuracy rating.

Who is the most accurate groundhog? ›

Georgia groundhog General Beauregard Lee

And he's got a better forecasting record than Phil. According to an analysis done by 538, Beau is accurate about how things will play out in the Southeast about 70% of the time, while Phil has been about 40% accurate for his home region since 1994.

What time will Punxsutawney Phil come out in 2024? ›

Groundhog Day 2024 was celebrated at Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, with the Inner Circle beginning their march to Gobbler's Knob at 5:15 a.m. ET on Friday, Feb. 2.

Did Punxsutawney see his shadow this year? ›

Groundhog Day 2024: Punxsutawney Phil did not see shadow, predicts early spring. The spotlight was on Gobbler's Knob in western Pennsylvania early Friday morning as Punxsutawney Phil made his annual prediction.


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